Course Introduction
Some sources estimate that we make up to 35,000 decisions every day. Most of these are routine or commonplace, like the clothes we wear or what we will eat. Most people can make these choices quickly, and they don’t dramatically affect our lives. A few decisions hold more weight and can significantly impact our lives for days, weeks, or years. “Should I take that job?” “Should I start a relationship or get married?” “Is it wise to move or buy a house?” How do we navigate the weightier decisions in life? How do we know that a choice is what God wants?
Discernment is the spiritual art of making wise choices. When faced with significant decisions, a host of variables can skew us one way or another. This class will help you navigate the rugged terrain of making wise choices. To do this, we will look at the various means to help us make wise choices that align with God’s desire for our lives. By the end of this class, you will be familiar with various tools that will help you make wise decisions and align your life with God’s desires for you.
Free? Yes. In keeping with Eden Spiritual Care's mission of making spiritual formation opportunities widely accessible, classes are funded entirely by generous donor contributions so you can take classes at no charge! If you would like to make a donation to help fund future classes, you are welcome to do so, but there is absolutely no expectation that you will. Suggested donation to provide space for one person in a future class is $150.
What to expect
This online course requires approximately 1 to 2 hours of reflection and learning activities each week:
Your take-aways
Who this is for
This intro-level course is open to anyone ages 16 and up!
Course Requirements
Questions? Comments?
Some sources estimate that we make up to 35,000 decisions every day. Most of these are routine or commonplace, like the clothes we wear or what we will eat. Most people can make these choices quickly, and they don’t dramatically affect our lives. A few decisions hold more weight and can significantly impact our lives for days, weeks, or years. “Should I take that job?” “Should I start a relationship or get married?” “Is it wise to move or buy a house?” How do we navigate the weightier decisions in life? How do we know that a choice is what God wants?
Discernment is the spiritual art of making wise choices. When faced with significant decisions, a host of variables can skew us one way or another. This class will help you navigate the rugged terrain of making wise choices. To do this, we will look at the various means to help us make wise choices that align with God’s desire for our lives. By the end of this class, you will be familiar with various tools that will help you make wise decisions and align your life with God’s desires for you.
Free? Yes. In keeping with Eden Spiritual Care's mission of making spiritual formation opportunities widely accessible, classes are funded entirely by generous donor contributions so you can take classes at no charge! If you would like to make a donation to help fund future classes, you are welcome to do so, but there is absolutely no expectation that you will. Suggested donation to provide space for one person in a future class is $150.
- Dates: TBA
- Weekly 1-hour group session by Zoom: TBA
- Registration is closed. Please email us if you would like to hear when this class is offered again.
What to expect
This online course requires approximately 1 to 2 hours of reflection and learning activities each week:
- Weekly exercises to help you build a foundation for discernment, explore discernment tools, and seek confirmation on a decision.
- Documents with notes and discernment exercises that can be used now and in the future.
- Weekly 60-minute group sessions via Zoom to learn about discernment, share insights, and ask questions.
Your take-aways
- Develop an understanding of discernment and how it differs from regular decision making.
- Learn how to narrow down choices so the decision is easier to understand and make.
- Understand how to explore experiences, wise counsel, and reason to aid in making a choice.
- Find means for making a choice and seeking confirmation from God.
- Gain resources for you to further your understanding and ability for discernment.
Who this is for
This intro-level course is open to anyone ages 16 and up!
- Anyone and everyone because we all either have an important decision before us or will sometime in the future.
- Individuals across the faith spectrum. The class will have a Christian bent to it, but the principles and means for discernment are applicable to all faiths, and is even for those who do not have a religious practice.
- Still not convinced this is a class for you? Read more here.
Course Requirements
- Internet access with enough bandwidth that you are able to stream videos smoothly
- Access to a web device with a camera and microphone for video conferencing
- Ability to read, write, and speak in English
Questions? Comments?
About the Instructor
Joshua Beaty, MDiv
Eden Spiritual Care Spiritual Director
Josh serves as a hospice chaplain with VIA Health Partners in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. Josh is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and served as a pastor in Florida from 2011-2023. He graduated from Asbury Seminary with a Master of Divinity and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Direction through Fuller Seminary. Josh enjoys walking with people as they develop and deepen their friendship with God through prayer and recognizing God’s activity in everyday life. In his free time, Josh enjoys exercising, disc golf, and spending time with his wife, two children, and three cocker spaniels.