Lesson 2: When Life Hurts
Listen: Podcast 2: When Life Hurts, part 1
Listen: Podcast 2: When Life Hurts, part 2
Listen: Podcast 2: When Life Hurts, part 2
Podcast 2 Resources

Didn't take notes? We've got you covered! Here are the resources we mentioned in podcast 2.
From The Bible:
From The Bible:
- Exodus 1:1-4:17 (Exodus story)
- 2 Kings 2 ("...please let me inherit a double share of your spirit...")
- Deuteronomy 3:23-29 (Moses asks to enter to Promised Land)
- 2 Samuel 12 (Bathsheba and David's son)
- Matthew 26:36-42; Mark 14:32-36; Luke 22:39-44 (Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane)
- Psalm 6 (Psalm of lament)
- Psalm 88 (Psalm of lament)
- Matthew 7:7-11 ("...knock, and the door will be opened...")
- Laditan, Bunmi. Dear God: Honest Prayers to a God Who Listens. Grand Rapids, Mi: Zondervan, 2021.
- Westbrook, Sierra Neiman. Answer Me, God: Crying out in Lament to a God who Hears and Acts. Self-published, 2012.
- Brueggemann, Walter. “The Costly Loss of Lament.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 11, no. 36 (October 1986): 57–71. https://doi.org/10.1177/030908928601103605.
Try It! (Prayer Podcast Suggestions from Podcast 2)

Prayers of Lament
Try praying a psalm of lament, like Psalm 6 or Psalm 88. Simply read it silently or out loud, directing it to God in your heart and mind.
Alternatively, try writing your own lament, pouring out your raw emotion to God, who can handle it!
For more information about the practice of lament, download Sierra's free lament booklet.
Try praying a psalm of lament, like Psalm 6 or Psalm 88. Simply read it silently or out loud, directing it to God in your heart and mind.
Alternatively, try writing your own lament, pouring out your raw emotion to God, who can handle it!
For more information about the practice of lament, download Sierra's free lament booklet.
Journal Your Thoughts!

What stood out to you from Podcast 2: When Life Hurts?
Write down your thoughts to process your learning! If you're not sure what to write about, consider the following:
Sometimes journaling is most helpful when it is completely private. If that feels like the best option for you, keep your journaling between you and God.
Sometimes journaling is most helpful when you give someone else the opportunity to witness and perhaps speak into your thoughts. If that feels like the best option for you, consider sharing your journal with a trusted friend, mentor, spiritual director, therapist, pastor, or family member, or email your journal entry to Sierra (either typed or a photo of what you've written by hand) for a brief reply.
Write down your thoughts to process your learning! If you're not sure what to write about, consider the following:
- If you're familiar with the Bible, what additional biblical stories can you think of that show God answering prayer?
- If you're familiar with the Bible, what additional biblical stories can you think of that show prayers not being answered?
- Why do you, personally, pray?
- What are your own experiences with specific answered and unanswered prayer?
- Do you feel comfortable with unanswered prayer? If so, how do you sit with it in a way that has helped you feel accepting of it?
- What do you think of Sierra's bold statement that not every person has a personal "happily ever after" in this life?
- Have you ever felt angry with God? How does the thought of expressing anger about or toward God make you feel?
- What are your thoughts about bringing strong language like cuss words into prayer? Is it ever appropriate?
- If not all prayers are answered, why pray?
- Consider writing your own prayer of lament in your journal right now.
- Did this podcast or your time reflecting and journaling stir up anything that you want to think about some more? If so, what?
- Did this podcast or your time reflecting and journaling stir up anything you feel God is wanting to say to you? If so, what?
Sometimes journaling is most helpful when it is completely private. If that feels like the best option for you, keep your journaling between you and God.
Sometimes journaling is most helpful when you give someone else the opportunity to witness and perhaps speak into your thoughts. If that feels like the best option for you, consider sharing your journal with a trusted friend, mentor, spiritual director, therapist, pastor, or family member, or email your journal entry to Sierra (either typed or a photo of what you've written by hand) for a brief reply.
About the Instructors

Sierra Neiman Westbrook, M.Div.
Founding Director of Eden Spiritual Care & Certified Spiritual Director
Sierra spent seven years working in the Christian publishing field before beginning eight years of teaching at George Fox University (writing, theology, and spiritual formation) and Portland Seminary (spiritual formation). A graduate of Portland Seminary, Sierra holds a Master of Divinity degree and a certificate in Spiritual Formation & Discipleship. She is also certified through Portland Seminary as a spiritual director. Sierra brings to her work a curiosity about how theology of lament, narrative pastoral care, and explorations of one's God image can enrich a person’s relationship with God. She also enjoys hiking, watching ballet performances, baking, writing, drinking lots of tea, and spending lots of time with her husband, Justin, and their young son.
Founding Director of Eden Spiritual Care & Certified Spiritual Director
Sierra spent seven years working in the Christian publishing field before beginning eight years of teaching at George Fox University (writing, theology, and spiritual formation) and Portland Seminary (spiritual formation). A graduate of Portland Seminary, Sierra holds a Master of Divinity degree and a certificate in Spiritual Formation & Discipleship. She is also certified through Portland Seminary as a spiritual director. Sierra brings to her work a curiosity about how theology of lament, narrative pastoral care, and explorations of one's God image can enrich a person’s relationship with God. She also enjoys hiking, watching ballet performances, baking, writing, drinking lots of tea, and spending lots of time with her husband, Justin, and their young son.

Andrea Catlett, MA
Andrea is a former pastor and has served a wide variety of ministries. She currently serves as a hospital chaplain. Through her education and experience, she has found prayer to be her constant calling. As a special needs mom and being disabled herself, she naturally advocates for those who need their voice heard in the healthcare system or simply a fellow friend.
Andrea is a former pastor and has served a wide variety of ministries. She currently serves as a hospital chaplain. Through her education and experience, she has found prayer to be her constant calling. As a special needs mom and being disabled herself, she naturally advocates for those who need their voice heard in the healthcare system or simply a fellow friend.